Monday, May 5, 2008

What its all about

If you are reading this, chances are you know what this is all about. I, John, and me good mate Chris Craft are jaunting over the great blue Pacific to check out Terra Australis. We'll be packing a little consumer Mini-DV cam ('cause my XL1s is too big and the school has some irrational policy about not letting graduates take equipment overseas) so I plan on posting vids of the trip and I figured a blog would go nicely alongside. Since I was able to "aquire" a laptop and tablet PC from work, I'll be able to update regularly. If I feel like it.

Anyway, we leave from the Savannah International Airport on Monday May 12th. The flight connects through Charlotte, NC to LAX--then on to Brisbane, our first stop. Since the world doesn't make sense, we will magically skip a full day of existence and end up in Brizzy at 6 AM on the 14th. Interestingly enough, my final grades come out on the 13th, a day I will not live, so maybe It will feel like I get them sooner then everyone else.

Feel free to pop in regularly for updates. Chris and I's goal is to experience Australia like normal people, like locals, and try to avoid being too touristy. Hopefully that means I'll get to waltz matilda with some Banana Benders, but we'll see.

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