Friday, May 16, 2008

Free Internet

Chris and I discovered free internet use at the Queensland State Library, so now I can blog about miscellaneous things that are weird in Australia (prior to now I have been typing the posts up on my laptop then copy/pasting them once I was online.)

We have solved the age old mystery: toilets don't flush the opposite direction, in fact, they go straight down.

As I promised earlier: McDonalds.
They are everywhere. In the Queensland Mall alone there are at least four, and one is dedicated entirely to desserts, of which they have a much larger selection then in the states. We passed a really nice one yesterday with the new McCafe coffee bar, but have yet to try it out. Yesterday for lunch we decided to give Aussie Mickey D's a try. The menu is similar, but there are some new things on the menu such as the McFeast (its like a whopper) which I tried and the Triple Cheesburger which Chris had. Plus, you can add bacon to any sandwich for a dollar extra. The Aussie's love their bacon (rashers.) Imagine it--two all 100% aussie beef patties, lettuce, pickles, onions, special sauce, all on a seseme seed bun...with bacon.

There is a coffee shop (or bar as they call them) every five feet, some stacked three to a block.

Chris and I were cutting through the mall to get from one street to another on a quest for dinner two nights ago and we saw this bloke in a suit, with a briefcase, looking completely hammered. Chris made a comment about how drunk the guy looked and I said "Yep." To which this guy replied "Yup." I said "yep" again, and he stumbled by with a fairwell "Yup."

The Burger Kings here are called Hungry Jack's and as we passed one the other night we saw "Yup" man again trying to drunkenly order a whopper.

I've almost been hit by traffic twice because of the whole opposite side of the road deal, but I think I'm getting it.

There is no dollar bill. Everthing under a five is in coins: one dollar gold coin, two dollar gold coins (which we call abos because of the picture of an old blackfellow on the face) then fifty cent pieces on down to five with no 25 or 15 piece.

1 comment:

planetfonz said...

gday mate - i'm a brisbane local and reading these brisbane experiences of yours are hilarious. i work in an internet cafe in the city and we cop a fair bit of angst from travellers which in most cases is a vent. its good to see that you've kept a sense of humour through all this crap. take it easy.