Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In Adelaide

We landed in Adelaide today (May 21st) around four o'clock after crossing into a new time zone that put us thirty minutes behind Sydney. To our chagrin, we found out that the train in Adelaide doesn't run from the airport, so instead we hopped the bus. Its cheaper, but not as direct and therefore slower. Anyway, we got into the city and de-bused to try and find a place to stay. Thus began our journey.

I had looked into some places in the city, but Chris had a list of safe bets (names like Quality Inn) so we decided to try those first. Turns out the first one we went looking for was north of the city and meant a ridiculous hump with all of our gear. My pack was suited for such situations, but Chris has a big duffel bag, and my laptop bag is a bit unwieldy. We made it never-the-less to discover the Quality Inn was all booked up. So we tried another local place around the corner with the same results. The man there gave us some suggestions, however, first pointing us across the street to the O'Connell Inn.

Suffice to say, the O'Connell is where we have ended up. It has an older feel, but it is nice, inexpensive, and best of all....they provide free internet. We are a little out of the way, but the buses should take care of us, and there is a train somewhere. Also, the Inn is right next to a cinema, so you know what that means. Yup, Indianan Jones tomorrow morning! A full day ahead of you guys. Don't worry, I'll be sure to spoil it for you.

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